Friday, January 20, 2012

Prejudice, Slavery, Racism & Racial Slurs

 This is a subject that I rarely cover because for me this should be a no brainer.  However there are times where I encounter stupidity to such a massive degree that I have no choice but to point out the absolute obserdity of what is going on.  The subject of the word Nigger deals with far more then just a racial slur.  It deals with how people treat each other in all areas of life because this gets at is the person a bigot or not.

In the history of Humanity there have been countless examples of prejudice, slavery, racism & racial slurs.  This is an issue that hasn't just effected one race of people (Black People) but all races.  It is absolutely moronic for any one race to try and boohoo how racial slurs are directed at them especially while those same people will use those same racial slurs with each other and that is to be perfectly ok.  This hypocracy / a double standard at its most evident.

One doesn't have to look very far in our society to find black people calling each other Nigger or slang derivatives of the word as if they think their using it is cool or even acceptable all because of their own skin color.  This is nothing short of racism & those that engage in racial slurs are by definition of the behavior they engage in racists.  Especially when those same people see no problem in calling white people Honkey, Whitey & Cracker.

To act like one race of people can dictate to another what words the other can say while they themselves are free to not only use the same word towards members of their race but racial slurs about the other race is simply racism.  There is no shortage of ignorance and stupidity in our society however this doesn't mean we as a society must blindly accept this ignorance and stupidity and not challenge it.

Since so many seem completely oblivious to the definition of the word Nigger here it is so we can see exactly what is meant by it.



1.  Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive .

a. black person.
b. a member of any dark-skinned people.

2.  Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant,etc.

3.  a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.

Let's be clear the only part of the definition of the word Nigger that applies to black people is number 1.  For anyone to act like this is the only meaning is nothing short of ignorant.  Which according to number 2 would qualify them to being called a Nigger.  This is regardless of the color of their skin but entirely based on the behavior they engage in.

The people that wish to perpetuate the use of the word Nigger are themselves guilty of keeping that word alive in the social consciousness.  Many of these same black people that use the word nigger like water will also use racial slurs like Whitey, Honkey, Cracker, Spick, Gook & Wop.  To them using racial slurs is fine because they themselves are racists.  Yet these same black people will be completely outraged & offended if a white person uses the word Nigger.  Excuse me but if you are engaging in racial slurs at everyone else including your own race you are in no position to boohoo over them being used at you.  You do not get to dictate to others what words they can say while maintaining your own racism mindset.

To put a slightly different perspective on this the Atheist could be called a Nigger by the Christian because many Christian's do consider Atheists to be Contemptible, Inferior & Ignorant.  Their basis for any of these is their own narrow minded belief system that says anyone that doesn't think as they do is of this mythical devil figure.  I regularly see Christian's treating me like I am lesser then them or contemptable all because I have no "Faith" in imaginary beings to which there is no proof they exist.  The Prejudice is the same regardless of the skin color of those engaging in the behavior.

Another example of a derogatory slur hurled at one group is the word Faggot.  This one is hurled the most by homophobic Christian's at people that are homosexual.  By the number 2 definition of the word Nigger a homosexual would also fit in the catagory of a Nigger in the minds of these prejudice people which regard them as inferior & contemptable.  This is also not taking the third definition into account either.

When one factors in the third definition there are yet even more people that could be called a Nigger who don't have to have black skin.  Anyone that is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.  This makes the catagory of Nigger so broad as to be able to enclude Black people, Atheists, Homosexuals, The Poor, Anyone in a political third party or someone that feels disenfranchised to the society they are in.

Then there is the historical fact that long before white people had black slaves in the United States black people had white slaves in North Africa.  European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780

The truth of the matter is slavery has been a part of human societies all the way back to the ancient Sumerian's which are the oldest society we have record of.  People of all skin types have been slaves.  Women were also regarded as lesser or property of the male.  In fact the idea that a wife is property and slavery is acceptable is in the Christian Tenth Commandment.  This is one the Christian's want to try and act like should still be part of our society because it was the law from this imaginary God.

The Tenth Commandment:
Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

In that commandment it is listing the property of the neighbor.  In that list of property are the following.
1. A House
2. A Wife
3. A Male Slave
4. A Female Slave
5. An Ox
6. An Ass (Donkey)
7. Or Anything that is the Neighbors

Christian's you simply can't cherry pick out numbers 2, 3 & 4 because it is not socially acceptable to do so.  That is simply intellectually dishonest.  Oh yes and let's not forget to Covet is dealing with the thoughts a person has which is Thought Crime.  Rather tyrannical of you to engage in thought crime.

What all of this boils down to is if you want to not have racial slurs hurled at you:

1. Don't you hurl them at others!
2. Don't use them to others of your own race.

No other race is going around hurling racial slurs at each other as if doing so gives them some kind of power.  You never hear a group of Mexican's going Hey my Spick.  Now it is true some of them will use the word Nigger which is honestly rather amusing given Mexican's weren't among those that were slaves.  But Black people appeariently don't care if a Mexican uses the word Nigger.  They only want to dictate to White people what words they can use.  Which is rather hypocritical of you.  What exactly gives you the right to dictate to someone else what words they can use?

In all of this I didn't even mention the race of people that were nearly genocided by Christian's.  Over 100 Million of them were killed.  Those being the American Indian's!  Some Indian tribes were completely genocided and the few that remain from the others were put on reservations (Concentration Camps) by the Christian White man!

The thing is even though this was horrible and needs to never be permitted to happen again.  There is Nothing any white person can do to alter the historical fact that it happened.  Additionally no white person today is responcible for what happened back hundreds of years ago.  The same goes for what happened to black people!

It is time people grow up and stop trying to boohoo over what happened to others of their race.  It never happened to you personally so you don't get to boohoo over it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Check me out on Empire Avenue


Religious Tactic’s That Will Not Work On Me

Even though I accept the label of Atheist / Anti Theist there are aspects where I differ from fundamentalist Atheist’s or Anti Theist’s.  I want to stress that where I differ from them is due entirely to what I have experienced in my life.

That being said I want to make it very clear that I see no evidence or reason to believe any God exists.  To put it simply a more advanced / evolved Alien race simply is Not a God.  I don’t care what Ancient people may have thought.

What I want to cover here is a small list of the Religious Tactic’s that simply will not work with me.  I will explain with each why that tactic will not work.

1. Scare Tactic’s / Threats of Hell – The reason this will not work with me is I refuse to be manipulated / intimidated by anyone.  Especially someone that wants to claim to be giving a message of Love.  If your message is so loving how about giving it without the threats of what will happen to me if I don’t Think as you demand.

2. Thought Crime – This connects to the first one in some ways but it is also different in itself.  No one has the right to try and dictate what Thoughts I have.  Telling me I must believe in your Jesus is trying to dictate my thoughts.  My thoughts are my own.  If i wish to share them that is my choice but Freedom of Thought must be maintained otherwise there can be no Freewill at all!

3.  Claims of Jesus Christ – I’m just going to say this flat out for all Christian’s.  There is No Historical Evidence supporting the existence of a Jesus Christ.  Not One Historian, Philosopher or even Satirist from the alleged time of this Jesus wrote a single word about him.

To make matters even worse for the Jesus claims Christian Fraud in the 2nd & 3rd century AD is not only not evidence of your Jesus but hurts your credibility.  The truth of the matter is no Scholar from as early as the 1800′s considered Jesus Christ to be a Historical figure.

4. The bible is the Inspired word of God – This is something I hear that must be an absolute joke.  The creation myth was originally a Sumerian story not an Israelite one.  The Flood Story was also Sumerian.  It was the Epic Of Gilgamesh.  While the Ten Commandments were stolen from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.  Spell 125.  The wording was changed slightly but the basic premise was there.

While the New Testament was completely made up by Christian’s after the 3rd Century AD.  Which By The Way was about the same time the City of Nazareth first appeared.

5.  Faith – Frankly if all you have is telling me, “It’s a matter of Faith” you can really save your breath.  When I hear Faith what I think of is Delusional Disorder.  Because the way Delusional Disorder is defined fits Faith perfectly.

Delusional Disorder is – A Firm belief or conviction in something despite evidence to the contrary.

When that fits what you believe about Invisible, Sadistic, God Men and you have nothing else just admit it You Have Nothing.  It is ok to not know it all.  Scientists admit all the time, “We don’t know it all.”

This isn’t a problem it only means you must keep your mind open to new Evidence.  Not close your mind to anything that isn’t in an ancient book of Death & Scribblings.

I am not opposed to the idea of a consciousness behind the universe.  However this would no more be making demands on us then we would go making demands on Inchworms.

If you are yelling at inchworms that they aren’t living up to your standard you really need a visit from the men in the white coats.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Fear base of Monotheism

The greatest lie that I feel theists tell is that their religion is based on Love.  I honestly don't understand how anyone can even try to suggest that a religion whose message is rooted in "Believe as we say or be tortured" can have the gall to call their message loving.  This is the biggest Oxymoron I have ever heard!
The idea of torture / suffering to those that don't do as they are told or dare to think differently is really all through the bible.  It begins with the Adam & Eve story and doesn't stop through the rest of the sadistic bible.  Oh sure along the way there can be some parts that don't seem so bad or may even sound like a good idea in themselves.  IE "Love Your Neighbor"  However when you examine that along with the rest of the bible it becomes clear that your neighbor doesn't include everyone but only those that are part of your tribe / religion.
Here is an example of what I mean.
Leviticus 19:18  Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.
Then Compare that to these.
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Note the love thy neighbor didn't even make it 1 chapter before the negative Kill message appears.  This also gets into the bigotry of the bible but that is a different issue.
There is also this.
Leviticus 20:27  A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.
There are tons of examples I could give but those are in the very next chapter of Leviticus.  Now I am also fully aware of how the Theist will bend over backwards to try and Excuse or Justify these brutal commands while screaming the nice parts as loud as they can.
This is nothing short of Cherry Picking.  There is no way to put a nice face on this.  To intentionally Ignore or Excuse / Justify something because it is part of your religion's so-called Holy book is nothing short of Cherry Picking / Using Selective Judgment.
However for those that will admit that the Old Testament God is a Prick but will say Jesus was a Nice guy I have this for you.  In all of the Old Testament for as brutal and Sadistic as that God clearly was at least when you died he was done with you.
But when Jesus showed up he showed that he could be just as Narcissistic as the Old Testament God.  If not worse.  Take the Temptation of Jesus as a prime example.  This was called one of the "Evil" things this Satan did.  Even though I contend that Testing / Tempting someone isn't evil at all.
However Satan said this:
Matthew  4:8 - 9 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;  And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Not only does this Jesus turn right around and do the same damn thing with people only changing the destination offered.  He adds a sick little sadistic twist to his.  Not only does he say Worship me & I'll give you Heaven but refuse and I will torture you forever in Hell.
John 3:15  That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
The entire basis of why to believe (Think) what you are told is given with a Carrot & Stick approach.  The so-called Reward has no meaning without the Threat being put in as well.
Bear in mind this is also classic Thought Crime.  The entire basis of this Perishing (Hell) or Eternal Life (Heaven) is based not on how you treat other or what good things you do but entirely upon the Thoughts in your head.
This is also adding the sadistic twist of unless you believe (Think) as you are told when you die Jesus's fun is just beginning.  Unlike the Old Testament God that was done with you at death this Jesus only gets really sadistic after you are dead.
However this Jesus also turned around and kept changing the conditions for getting into this Kingdom of Heaven.
1. Matthew 5:20  For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Phariseesye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. 
2.  Matthew 18:3  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little childrenye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 
3.  John 3:3 3:3  Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born againhe cannot see the kingdom of God. 
Then we have the sickest one of them all!  And one which is a Sin by Old Testament Law.
4. John 6:53 - 56 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.  Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.  For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
This is Explicitly Forbidden in the Old Testament.
Leviticus 17:12  Therefore I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat bloodneither shall any stranger that sojourneth among you eat blood. 
As if that doesn't make you question the Christian religion and Jesus Check out Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
That is Christianity through and through!
Acts 13:39  And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
Romans 3:24  Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
The idea that Jesus was Innocent / Just is also expressed in the New Testament.
Matthew 27:4  Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.
Now in case you forgot Proverbs 17:15  He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.
Getting back to the Fear message of Jesus we then have him advocating Self Mutilation instead of going to Hell.  Mark 9:43 - 48
And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:  Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:  Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:  Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Without a doubt this is a Fear based message.  It is also one that shows this Jesus thinking a physical injury in life will be how you look in Heaven.  "it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye"  Mark 9:47
That is rather stupid for the God Man Jew to say if he knew this afterlife was "Spiritual"
But this Hell bullshit in case you are curious the word Hell in Mark 9 is the Greek word Gehenna which directly refers to Jeremiah 32:35 And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
Imagine that burning children in fire was an Abomination & a Sin to the Old Testament God.  Something He Never Thought Of!  Yet clearly Jesus thought of it!
now for those that want to claim Hell is Separation from God Try explaining this: Revelation 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
Can't exactly have something in the Presence of and Separate from at the same time!  This idea of Separation from God is actually Church Dogma it is not in the bible!
This is only the tip of the Ice burg in the pure evil nature of the Jesus figure.  The message of Fear is a constant through the bible.  Both the Old Testament God and Jesus were big on inducing Fear.
I would contend any parent that would have to resort to threats of violence to get obedience / love is one piss poor parent.  To try and use such methods shows that person is a piss poor leader and someone with absolutely no social skills.
After all who among us would respond well to threats of torture?  I know I wouldn't.

Why would this require a God?

The entire premise of Intelligent Design is that the Universe needed some kind of intelligence guiding it otherwise it wouldn’t exist.  However even if you assume that there needs to be some cosmic designer this still doesn’t mean Christianity or Theism in general has succeeded at all.
Because once you establish that there is a cosmic force behind the Universe the Christian / Theist still has all of their work ahead of them.  Because then the Christian must Prove the creator / designer / intelligence is their God.  While the Muslim’s would have to prove it is theirs & the Jews would have to prove it is theirs.  Hell the Hindu’s & Buddhists could jump in on it at that point and look to prove it is theirs. 
After all the Buddhist Brahman would be the easiest to fit into an intelligence behind the universe as the Buddhist’s don’t try and apply any connection between the Brahman and the behaviors of people / situations of the world.
It is the Personal God idea that creates a second and even bigger problem then the claim there must be a God. It is at least Possible that a consciousness exists behind the Universe.  A Consciousness on a dimension higher then we exist on.
I have no problem with this idea.  I can still safely say there is no god because a Consciousness in a higher dimension wouldn’t even be what we would consider a life form to be.  Since we don’t know the attributes of such a consciousness it would be impossible to give a man made label to it such as God.  Let alone for one group to try and claim ownership of it.  As if they are the only evolved primates that this consciousness would care at all about.
Even assuming a consciousness would give a fart in a high wind about human existence to try and assert that not only does it exist but it is an extreme bigot and only likes your tribe, your click, your group is frankly absurd to the extreme!
What all of this really shows is that the god of Christianity, Islam & Judaism really are nothing but inventions of the Secret Societies that have become what we call today the Illuminati & their ilk.
If you really look at who stands to gain from this tribalism based mind control bullshit it isn’t some mysterious cosmic force but those elite assholes that control all of the money and the leaders of our world.
These ideas of a God really come down to what type of behaviors will you accept from your leaders.  If you can go along with a hateful, Think As We Demand Or Be Tortured mindset then you are one that will be apt to go right along with the Hitler like behavior these New World Order assholes wish to bring about.
Christian’s don’t want to consider this possibility even though if you look back at the not so distant past we can see clear evidence of the Disease of Christianity invading a land of Peaceful Indian’s!  Peaceful Indian’s that were willing to Share the land with these new people to their land.  However the Indian’s had no idea the Greed and Bigotry in these Christian’s.
Not only did those Christian’s nearly genocide the Indian’s completely they turned around and made their invasion and genocide a holiday!  Then turned the Hitler’s of that time into hero’s!
Those who stand to gain from these God ideas isn’t a cosmic being but those jackoffs that are controling this fucking world.  If they can delude you into thinking that your life may suck now but just wait you’ll be in paradise forever what the fuck do they care.  You will eagerly accept Slavery & servatude in the Hope of some grand afterlife which these fuckers know doesn’t exist!
They don’t care that this afterlife doesn’t exist because after all they got what they wanted here and now and your Faith & Hopes don’t mean shit.  Their bottom line is Money & Control and you fuckers just hand it all over to them without thought!
How long before people wake up and smell the Bullshit?

How strong must the chains around your necks be before you try and oppose the slavery?

Why Hell is Impossible

               I do want to Stress right from the start that this doesn’t apply to all Christian’s or Satanist’s.  This concept of Hell, which is from the Christian doctrine, is extremely flawed on multiple levels.  Many have realized this but there are a large number that still buy into this primitive way of thinking.

            The doctrine of Hell has been a common one for Christian’s for two thousand years.  The fact that this very message screams extreme sadism and tyranny many Christian’s seem to have no problem embracing this and somehow still claiming their God to be all loving.  How exactly one can be all loving and engage in behavior worse then the worst human to ever exist is frankly beyond me. What I find just as revolting if not more so are the vast numbers of Satanists that clearly accept this bit of Christian bullshit.  Not only do they not challenge it many actually use bullshit terms of Burning in Satan’s love.
            Satanists, any of you that buy into this bullshit, please provide any documented writing which states Satan burns anyone in fire.  If you want to quote the Christian bible I would challenge you to provide Book, Chapter & Verse to support this idea.  Why a Satanist would use a bible that is from another religion is beyond me.  However I also find it utterly moronic to embrace claims made by a religion that has set itself in direct opposition to you and accepting all of their claims about you.  This would be as Dumb as a Republican just accepting anything a Democrat wants to say about them and still being Vote for me.  Do you seriously think someone that is opposed to your side will be honest about your side?  Satanists you must since you openly embrace the claims made by the Christian’s about what Satan is like.  As well as accepting the term Demons as well as Hell.
            I find it utterly amazing that it takes an Atheist to stand up and say, “Excuse me but this shit is not even written in your own bible as to coming from a Satan.  As if that isn’t enough this idea of a burning lake of fire in an afterlife is flat out impossible.”
            What I find even more amazing then Satanist’s that don’t object to these Christian based ideas are these same people getting pissed off at the Atheist that does raise these issues.  Excuse me but do you people have a serious masochistic side that you aren’t telling me about?  If you want to be set on fire and that is going to be wonderful what exactly is stopping you from taking a gasoline bath?  I mean seriously if you want to be an ass and act like this will be so wonderful why not cut to the chase and simply do it now.  We have plenty of gasoline and matches you could be in pure bliss right now if burning in fire is your ideal kind of love.  The fact that you people don’t do this yet you want to bitch at the Atheist that says this shit is Impossible in an afterlife tells me that you just want to be acting like masochistic assholes but are to afraid to do what you think you’ll love forever.
            Now that I have probably pissed off all of the Reverse Christian Satanists out there I am going to really pants you fuckers as well as the stupid Christian’s that buy into this sadistic bullshit message dreamed up by the Church of Rome! That’s right Christian’s and Satanist’s this doctrine of Hell was not taught by Apollonius of Tyana (AKA Jesus Christ) just as his followers were not called Christian’s but followers of The Way.  The term Christian was invented by Paul then picked up by Constantine.  What Apollonius of Tyana taught was a message of Reincarnation, Vegetarianism & Oneness with Nature.  He did refer to The Satan but only in so much as he was referring to sickness or illness not as a physical being.  This is clearly evident in the Essene Gospel of Peace.
            You may be asking yourself Essene what’s that?  During the first century there were about a dozen Jewish Sects or Denominations.  One of which was a group of Healers called the Essene’s.  Apollonius of Tyana was a member of that group.  So your venom against Jesus Christ is venom against a Straw man!  It is no different then having hate or contempt for Superman, Spiderman, Batman, or the X Men.  While some of what is written in the bible could be accurate for what Apollonius of Tyana taught so much is either omitted or changed as to render what is there completely worthless.
            However that having been said here is the Truth of what is in the Christian’s own bible about Hell.  Unlike the lies some Christian’s want to tell Jesus (which I already established is a Straw man) didn’t speak more of Hell then Heaven.  In fact the reverse is true.  The word Heaven occurs 238 Times in the New Testament! Over 100 of them were claimed to be by Jesus!  While the word Hell occurs 23 Times in the New Testament!  The word Hell used by Jesus in these occurrences is the Greek word gheh’-en-nah.   Which is a direct reference to Jeremiah 32:35. This is one even the Christian’s are too stupid to read.  So here it is.  And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. “
            Ok, Quick bible and history lesson for all the Christian’s and Satanist’s. (Damn an Atheist giving the Christian’s and Satanist’s a Bible and History lesson. This should be worth a few chuckles somewhere.)  Baal & Molech were both Canaanite deities.  As were El & Yahweh.  Among a laundry list of others too.  So right off the bat we are dealing with a Pantheon religion not a Monotheism.  Hell even with Christianity as it is with God, Jesus, the Holy Casper & Satan this is a Pantheon not a Monotheism.  Mono means One not a schizophrenic one deity and a nemesis with a host of lesser beings.  This is a Pantheon no matter how you slice it.
            However then we have the Valley of the son of Hinnom Or Gehenna.  There should be bells going off right now for both Christian’s and Satanist’s!  Then we have this Lord God getting pissed off and saying which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.
            Number One, Christian’s If this is from your Lord God and If your Lord God Can’t Lie. Numbers 23:19.  And your Lord God Can’t Change. Malachi 3:6.  Then an Eternal Lake of Fire is Impossible since your Lord God actually said, 1. I commanded them not!  2. Neither came it into my mind!  3. To cause Judah to Sin!
            Number Two, Since burning children in fire was never thought of by your Lord God and nowhere in the bible does it say Satan ever thought of this. There is No evidence a Baal or Molech were even real let alone there and did approve of this shit!  But only that this is how People were Sacrificing children to their gods.  What we have is People being fucked in the head.  Which frankly is nothing new we see that in our world today.  What this means is this doctrine was made up by the Roman Catholic Church as a means of controlling the stupid masses through fear.
            Number Three, Three definitions of the word Hell in the bible.  In the Old Testament it was always Sheol.  Which meant simply The Grave!  In the New Testament there was Hades, which also meant The Grave!  Then there was Gehenna which referred to this fucking story, which proves this was a Metaphor, only not a literal anything!
            Then there is the biggest problem with this whole Heaven & Hell Afterlife bullshit that is babbled by both Christian’s & Satanist’s.  Yea I know winning friends all over in this blog.  That main glairing problem with all of this shit is it is 100% Physical!  From both of you!  Think of that an Afterlife, which means by definition After your Life is Over.  Which means the Physical body is Dead.  Yet you fuckers still think that fire is there?  More amazingly you seriously think even if it would be (in some magical way) that it would phase you?  Up until now I have fought the growing urge to go DRR DRR but now we reach a point of this stupidity that I have no choice but to go DRR DRR.
            Number One; Fire is a Physical reaction of Physical elements maintained by Physical Oxygen!  This is not the Hydrogen & Helium Fusion reaction of the Sun since Brimstone can’t exist on the Sun given the Sun is to God damn hot!  Brimstone breaks down at 823.28 degrees Fahrenheit.  Or 444.6 Degrees Celsius.  Considering the Sun’s outer layer is 11,000 Degrees Fahrenheit or 6,000 Degrees Celsius.  While the inner pressure of the Sun’s core produces a Temperature between 27,000,000 Degrees Fahrenheit or 11,000,000 Degrees Celsius and a Pressure of 340 Billion times that of Earth’s air pressure at sea level!
            Number Two; You would not have a Physical body with a central nervous system or brain.  Which means it would be Impossible for you to feel burning at all.  All of the evidence about an afterlife points to an Aura body or Energy body.  Not one which could be hurt by fire, tortured or killed.  For those really stupid and I would add exceptionally sick people that think your Loving God would give some physical bodies by which they could be burned alive.  Your God must have had a massive hard on during the Inquisitions.  That or been jealous as fuck.  The Temperature at which human skin ignites is 480 Degrees Fahrenheit or 248.88 Degrees Celsius!  Far below the temperature where brimstone breaks down.  Which means you stupid fucks you wouldn’t even get to Hell because you would ignite in the atmosphere and be ashes by the time you hit the lake of fire! Now let’s all say it DRR DRR. 
            Number Three; A Ghost is the most plausible example of what someone in an Afterlife state would be in.  Fire would no more hurt a Ghost then spraying a Ghost with a squirt gun would make it wet.  The damn Ghost is in a completely different dimension so things of this dimension wouldn’t mean a God damn thing!
            In closing I am not saying there isn’t some kind of life after death.  I am an Atheist but I don’t exclude the idea of a life after death only that I see no evidence of any Gods.  To explain this just a bit for those who are confused.  If something would exist in a higher dimension we wouldn’t have a real term for what exactly it is let alone to consider such a thing even a life form.  So the idea of worshipping something which may or may not exist on some higher dimension which I can’t prove even exists is utterly absurd.  What is equally as stupid is to think such a force if such would exist that it would think and view reality and our existence exactly as we do.  Our perception of what we call reality is based on how our Physical brain interprets the data which comes in via our 5 senses.   Then when you factor in the Historical time period, Culture, Economic Status one is born into it becomes obvious that our view of reality and what is good and bad are extremely subjective things and not something written in stone.  Let alone be ideas from some mystical force which no one can see or prove even exists.
            The only thing that could exist and have a point of view along with an agenda that would be superior to us is an Alien race.  You may want to bow and scrape before an Alien race but frankly I would no more worship an Alien then I would worship a human and that would never happen.